These are the two posters/flyers used to promote the double exhibition that took place first in Bucharest, Romania at "Galeria Noua" in May 2007 and later in August/October at the "Inoperable" gallery in Vienna, Austria. Inoperable poster found on Inoperable word press blog here. The Romanian exhibition was curated by Stefan Tiron and Mihai Neom.
The exhibition's name "Ne placa ce faci" is a play on words as "placa" in Romanian means plate, plaque and is phonetically close to the verb "to like" (a place). Romanian skateboarders use the slang "placa" when they refer to their skateboards. So a Romanian exhibition of custom skateboards had to have "placa" in the name! That being said, this exhibition was international as the curators, Stefan Tiron and Neon managed to get the "Inoperable" gallery from Vienna, Austria, to contribute with a massive amount of custom skateboards. After the end of the exhibition in Bucharest, some of the artworks went to the "Boarder's" Shop - a skateboard shop in downtown Bucharest and other artworks went back to Inoperable gallery in Vienna, Austria to form a continuation of the exhibition. Inoperable gallery was awarded best urban gallery prize two times in a row in 2010 and 2011. The founder, Nicholas Platzer, has a TED Talk about his artistic career and the history of Graffiti that is worth a watch!
The Austrian "Inoperable" brick and mortar gallery closed doors recently but survives online and spread to the US as well. The Romanian gallery for contemporary art "Galeria Noua" closed down too, or rather it was absorbed by the Bucharest Municipal Museum despite a desperate protest and currently displays traditional classic art.

"The Monkey Meditates" My custom skateboard painting. Acrylics on wood. Sketch and final artwork.

"The Monkey Meditates" - my art process for the piece.

My board custom art work in the lower right corner in the exhibition space. Photo from skateboardart blog.

"Alien Titanic Drama" - my installation/sculpture artwork created with water based clay, acrylic paint and upcycled materials like dismantled electronics, recycled bear fur lining from an old coat, old textile refuse and packaging from a Jean Paul Gaultier product. All of these mounted on a wood panel. Unfortunately the physical artwork was destroyed in the early 2010's. These digital photos are the few things left that document my artwork exhibited at Galeria Noua in May 2007, in Bucharest, Romania.

"Alien Titanic Drama" - my detail shots and materials / art process

My "Alien Titanic Drama" piece in the exhibition space. Photo from skateboardart blog.

My unused digital experiments.

Some of my vernissage doodles on a large collaborative canvas. Acrylic on canvas.

All the vernissage doodles on a large collaborative canvas. Photo from skateboardart blog.

The canvas in the exhibition space. Photo from skateboardart blog.

Vernissage doodles in progress! More photos from the vernissage here: NE PLACĂ CE FACI: 19 mai - vernisaj (skateboardart.blogspot.com)

Vernissage doodles in progress! More photos from the vernissage here: NE PLACĂ CE FACI: 19 mai - vernisaj (skateboardart.blogspot.com)

Vernissage doodles in progress! More photos from the vernissage here: NE PLACĂ CE FACI: 19 mai - vernisaj (skateboardart.blogspot.com)

Vernissage doodles in progress! More photos from the vernissage here: NE PLACĂ CE FACI: 19 mai - vernisaj (skateboardart.blogspot.com)

More photos from the vernissage here: NE PLACĂ CE FACI: 19 mai - vernisaj (skateboardart.blogspot.com)

More photos from the vernissage here: NE PLACĂ CE FACI: 19 mai - vernisaj (skateboardart.blogspot.com)

More photos from the vernissage here: NE PLACĂ CE FACI: 19 mai - vernisaj (skateboardart.blogspot.com)

More photos from the vernissage here: NE PLACĂ CE FACI: 19 mai - vernisaj (skateboardart.blogspot.com)

More photos from the vernissage here: NE PLACĂ CE FACI: 19 mai - vernisaj (skateboardart.blogspot.com)

More Photos from Oana Felipov, like this one can be found here skate | Flickr