Climate Art / Biodiversity /2023/Dk

Spellscaper / Branding - Logo - 3D Design / 2023 / SE

Kwil UX/UI / Web3 social media / 2021-2022 / Dk

LEGO Friends BI / UX Innovation / 2020 / Dk

Boost - UI, Logo and Print Ads

MooParty - Facebook Game - UI, Title Art and FX

UI production and design - King.com`s Bubble Witch Saga

Heist - Facebook game UI and isometric assets

Cyrus the Virus - Art Direction / Production

Pyrons - Art Direction, VFX and Logo Design

"Love Factory" Facebook Game - early developement work

Draglings - Art Directing, Prototyping, Concept Art

Impact Jam / 2018 / Viborg / Dk / Octo Trash VR

Puzzle Quest 2 - mobile game - pixel perfect production

Magic Mushrooms - Art Direction for Yggdrasil Gaming

Nano Green Cube / October 2007 / Ro / Omagiu No8 Nano

Doubles - Flash animation game prototype