In the month of May 2023 I was invited by Maren Pilegård Andersen from the Vejle City Council to apply to a climate art project. I was accepted along with another two artists to produce climate artworks for the Climate Vilage Vandel. They are in the process of building a new forest park and would love to include climate artworks to celebrate the end of their 3 year long prize for being the most climate friendly village in the Vejle Kommune.
I started this project in July 2023 with doing research on climate issues and building a small climate book collection. I hoped some of these books could spark interesting conversations with Vejle and Vandel citizens in Denmark that would inform my direction for the climate art sculptures in the concepting phase. That phase took the form of a "pop-up studio" approach exhibition in the Vejle Library during August 2023 where Vejle citizens visiting the Library would have the opportunity to see the artist sketching out concepts live but also engage in conversations about climate issues. You can see a video interview and artist talk about this phase below.